Tuesday 17 May 2011

A Stream of Subconciousness.

Fuck the whole "50 Day Challenge". I'm not "writing a letter to an ex" or "sharing my feelings with the mirror". Fuck the ex and the mirror and fuck you.

Sometimes I wonder, is it worth being miserable? Is it worth moaning about the Government, the media and skinny-jeaned hipsters? The answer is yes, it is worth it for fucks sake.

Here's a list of things that have pissed me off recently.

1. You.
2. Him.
3. Her and
4. Them

Piss off.
Are the majority of women culturally retarded? The answer is yes. According to studies at UCL, 79% of women know nothing compared to just 13% of men. But this majority of women have become a cash-cow for film studios. How else can you possibly explain "Mamma Mia!" grossing more than "The Dark Knight" in the U.K.
The Geezer:

1. Stella Artois
2. Copy of The Sun (if normal geezer)
3. Daily Star (super-geezer)
4. Daily Sport (mega-geezer)
5. B&H Gold or
6. 50g Golden Virginia
7. Always carries £50 notes
8. Chelsea supporter
9. Will order a drink followed by the word "sweetheart"
10. Favourite film is "The Godfather" or at a stretch "Scarface"
If those two minstrel twin robots from "Transformers 2" are the Jar Jar Binks of the Transformers world, what is Jar Jar Binks in the Star Wars universe?
If you are seriously pondering the above question, kill yourself.
I'm done for today.

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